When you’re promoting your business, or posting content in your accountability group, do you ever feel like you’re doing and saying and trying the same things over and over on repeat?
Maybe these things have worked for you in the past, but chances are they’ve lost their sparkle ✨ with your audience over time, right?
Well, we’d like to help you switch things up in your accountability group. Each month we put a ton of work into creating a fresh and exciting theme for your challengers 👀👏🤩!
We brainstorm topics and discussion prompts to get your group talking, engaged and motivated! We even provide new challenges, bonus guides on interesting topics and other resources to catch the attention of new and existing members of your group!
We’d love the chance to help you get through the season and help you to avoid living Groundhog Day over and over!
Check out what we have to offer coaches like you here! Watch our IG stories for sneak peeks of the upcoming months' content!